19 TAC Chapter 61

School Districts

The links below provide PDF versions of each subchapter. You may also access a听PDF version of the听Chapter 61 table of contents.

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Subchapter A. Board of Trustees Relationship

  • 搂61.1. Continuing Education for School Board Members.
  • 搂61.2. Nomination of Trustees for Military Reservation School Districts and Boys Ranch Independent School District.
  • 搂61.3. School Safety Training for School Board Members.

Subchapter B. Special Purpose School Districts

  • 搂61.101. Applicability of State Law for Special Purpose School Districts.
  • 搂61.111.听Applicability of State Law to Boys Ranch Independent School District.


Subchapter AA. Commissioner's Rules on School Finance

  • 搂61.1000. Maximum Compressed Tax Rate Calculation and Data Collection.
  • 搂61.1001. Prior Year Maximum Compressed Tax Rate.
  • 搂61.1002. Maximum Compressed Tax Rate Limitations.
  • 搂61.1003. Career and Technology Education Allotment for P-TECH and New Tech Network Campuses.
  • 搂61.1004. Special Education Funding for Open-Enrollment Charter Schools.
  • 搂61.1005. Additional State Aid for Staff Salary Increases at Regional Education Service Centers.
  • 搂61.1006. Foundation School Program Funding for Reimbursement of Disaster Remediation Costs.
  • 搂61.1007.听Rules for the Definition of Tax Levy and Tax Collection.
  • 搂61.1008. School Safety Allotment.
  • 搂61.1009. Fast Growth Allotment.
  • 搂61.1010. Additional State Aid for School Districts that Contract to Partner to Operate a District Campus.
  • 搂61.1011. Formula Transition Grant.
  • 搂61.1012. Contracts and Tuition for Education Outside District.
  • 搂61.1013. Foundation School Program Funding for Reimbursement of Disaster Remediation Costs.
  • 搂61.1014. Credit Against Recapture for Reimbursement of Disaster Remediation Costs.
  • 搂61.1015. Property Value Adjustments Due to Taxpayer Protests.
  • 搂61.1016. Hazardous Transportation Funding.
  • 搂61.1017. Maintenance of Effort and Equity for Federal Money Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • 搂61.1018. Payment of Health Care Supplementation.
  • 搂61.1019. Additional State Aid for Ad Valorem Tax Credits under the Texas Economic Development Act.
  • 搂61.1020. Excess Funds for Video Surveillance of Special Education Settings.

Subchapter BB. Commissioner's Rules on Reporting Requirements

  • 搂61.1021. School Report Cards.
  • 搂61.1022. Texas Academic Performance Report.
  • 搂61.1025. Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) Data and Reporting Standards.
  • 搂61.1026. Statutorily Required Reporting through the Public Education Information Management System.
  • 搂61.1027. Report on the Number of Educationally Disadvantaged Students for Calculating the Compensatory Education Allotment.
  • 搂61.1028. Reporting of Bus Collisions.

Subchapter CC. Commissioner's Rules Concerning School Facilities

  • 搂61.1031. School Safety Requirements
  • 搂61.1032. Instructional Facilities Allotment.
  • 搂61.1034. New Instructional Facility Allotment.
  • 搂61.1035. Assistance with Payment of Existing Debt.
  • 搂61.1036. School Facilities Standards for Construction before November 1, 2021.
  • 搂61.1037. Science Laboratory Grant Program.
  • 搂61.1038. School District Bond Enhancement Program.
  • 搂61.1039. Open-Enrollment Charter School Bond Enhancement Program.
  • 搂61.1040. School Facilities Standards for Construction on or after November 1, 2021.

Subchapter DD. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Missing Child Prevention and Identification Programs

  • 搂61.1041. Missing Child Prevention and Identification Program: Fingerprints and Photographs.

Subchapter EE. Commissioner's Rules on Prevention, Awareness, and Reporting of Child Abuse or Neglect, Including Trafficking of a Child

  • 搂61.1051. Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect, Including Trafficking of a Child.
  • 搂61.1053. Required Signage Pertaining to Criminal Offenses of Human Trafficking.听

Subchapter FF. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Veterans and Military Dependents

Division 1. High School Diplomas for Military Veterans

  • 搂61.1061. Application Form for Diploma and Evidence of Eligibility.

Division 2. Military-Connected Students

  • 搂61.1063. Purple Star Campus Designation.

Subchapter GG. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Counseling Public School Students

  • 搂61.1071. Counseling Public School Students Regarding Higher Education.
  • 搂61.1073. Annual Assessment of School District Compliance.

Subchapter HH. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Classroom Supply Reimbursement Program

  • 搂61.1081. Teacher Supply Reimbursement Grant Program.

Subchapter JJ. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Automatic College Admission

  • 搂61.1201. Notification of Automatic College Admission and Curriculum Requirements for Financial Aid.

Subchapter KK. Commissioner's Rules on County Boards of Education

  • 搂61.1301. Delinquent Taxes of County Boards of Education.

NOTE: The Texas Education Agency makes every effort to ensure that the information published on this Internet site is secure; however, due to the limitations of Internet security, the rules published here are for information only and do not represent legal documentation.

Contact Information

For questions about the process of proposing, adopting, or publishing Texas Administrative Code rules; reviewing existing rules; or petitioning for rule changes, email the Rulemaking Division at rules@tea.texas.gov.