19 TAC Chapter 157

Hearings and Appeals

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Subchapter A. General Provisions for Hearings Before the State Board of Education

搂157.1. Scope and Purpose.
搂157.2. Request for Hearing; Transfer to State Office of Administrative Hearings.
搂157.3. Board Consideration and Adoption of Proposal for Decision.
搂157.4. Motions for Rehearing.

Subchapter D. Independent Hearing Examiners

搂157.41. Certification Criteria for Independent Hearing Examiners.


Subchapter AA. General Provisions for Hearings Before the Commissioner of Education

搂157.1041. Scope and Purpose.
搂157.1042. Definitions.
搂157.1043. Administrative Law Judge.
搂157.1044. Classification of Parties.
搂157.1045. Appearances.
搂157.1046. Conduct and Decorum.
搂157.1047. Classification of Pleadings.
搂157.1048. Form and Content of Documents.
搂157.1049. Filing of Documents with the Commissioner of Education.
搂157.1050. Service of Documents on Other Parties.
搂157.1051. Petition for Review.
搂157.1052. Answers.
搂157.1053. Prehearing Conference.
搂157.1054. Discovery.
搂157.1055. Motions.
搂157.1056. Dismissal Without a Hearing; Nonsuits.
搂157.1057. Order of Procedure at De Novo Hearing.
搂157.1058. Briefing.
搂157.1059. Filing of Exceptions and Replies to Proposal for Decision.
搂157.1060. Orders.
搂157.1061. Motions for Rehearing.

Subchapter BB. Specific Appeals to the Commissioner

搂157.1071. Hearings in Which the Texas Education Agency is a Party.
搂157.1072. Hearings Brought Under Texas Education Code, Chapter 21, Subchapter G.
搂157.1073. Hearings Brought Under Texas Education Code, 搂7.057.

Subchapter CC. Hearings of Appeals Arising Under Federal Law and Regulations

搂157.1081. Applicant's Opportunity for a Hearing Prior to Denial of an Application.
搂157.1082. Grantee's or Subgrantee's Opportunity for a Hearing in an Enforcement Action.
搂157.1083. Procedures for Hearing for Denial of an Application or an Enforcement Action.
搂157.1084. Appeal from the Decision of the Commissioner of Education.

Subchapter DD. Hearings Conducted by Independent Hearing Examiners

搂157.1101. Rates of Independent Hearing Examiners.
搂157.1102. Assignment of Independent Hearing Examiners.
搂157.1103. Report of the Independent Hearing Examiner.

Subchapter EE. Informal Review, Hearing Following Investigation, and Review by State Office of Administrative Hearings

Division 1. Informal Review

搂157.1121. Applicability.
搂157.1122. Notice of Informal Review.
搂157.1123. Informal Review.

Division 2. Hearing Following Investigation

搂157.1131. Applicability.
搂157.1133. Hearing Procedures.
搂157.1134. Commissioner Determination.
搂157.1135. Judicial Review.

Division 3. State Office of Administrative Hearings Substantial Evidence Review

搂157.1151. Applicability.
搂157.1153. Applicability of Other Law.
搂157.1155. Petition for Review.
搂157.1157. Standard of Review.
搂157.1165. Enforcement of Decision Pending Review.
搂157.1167. Expedited Review.
搂157.1169. Conduct of Review During a Ratings Appeal.
搂157.1171. Final Decision.
搂157.1173. Application to Charter Schools.

Division 4. State Office of Administrative Hearings Arbitrary and Capricious or Clearly Erroneous Review

搂157.1181. Applicability.
搂157.1182. Applicability of Other Law.
搂157.1183. Petition for Review.
搂157.1184. Standard of Review.
搂157.1185. Enforcement of Decision Pending Review.
搂157.1186. Expedited Review.
搂157.1187. Conduct of Review During a Ratings Appeal.
搂157.1188. Final Decision.
搂157.1189. Application to Charter Schools.

Division 5. Conflicts

搂157.1191. Conflicts.

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Contact Information

For questions about the process of proposing, adopting, or publishing Texas Administrative Code rules; reviewing existing rules; or petitioning for rule changes, email the Rulemaking Division at rules@tea.texas.gov.